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dc.contributor.advisorRose Manuela Marta Santospt_BR
dc.contributor.authorMendes, Edlaine Santana-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Joilma de Oliveira da-
dc.contributor.authorRamos, Luciene do Nascimento dos Santos-
dc.description.abstractNos serviços de saúde uma diversidade de resíduos no serviço de saúde, são gerados diariamente, sendo o seu manuseio e gerenciamento e destinação final de fundamental importância para a manutenção da qualidade dos serviços, de vida dos profissionais e pacientes, assim como do meio ambiente. Na Atenção Básica, a(o) enfermeira(o) e sua equipe multidisciplinar deve ter conhecimento sobre o manejo desses resíduos. Assim, o objetivo geral: descrever como ocorre o gerenciamento de resíduos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde de municípios do Recôncavo da Bahia. E, como objetivos específicos: verificar a compreensão dos enfermeiros sobre o gerenciamento dos resíduos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde; listar os tipos de resíduos gerados pelos profissionais de saúde de acordo com a classificação da legislação brasileira e identificar as etapas do manejo dos resíduos, da geração até a destinação final, existentes nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde. A metodologia se caracteriza por uma pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, que foi desenvolvida em Unidades Básica de Saúde de três Munícipios do Recôncavo da Bahia e, participaram do estudo 29 enfermeiros(as). Foi empregado como instrumento de coleta um questionário e um checklist para observação. Como técnica de análise dos dados qualitativos, utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de Minayo. O estudo teve parecer aprovado pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa com o nº 6.422.480. No que tange aos resultados da pesquisa, nota-se que a maioria dos(as) enfermeiros(as) apresentaram conhecimento eficiente acerca do manejo de resíduos sólidos, enfatizando a importância de seguir normas desde o planejamento até o descarte dos resíduos gerados em serviços de saúde, ressaltando a segurança do processo, incluindo a proteção dos trabalhadores e preocupação com a minimização de riscos associados. Ademais, os profissionais dos municípios estudados evidenciaram diferentes categorias de resíduos gerados nas UBS, cada uma com tipos específicos e classificações, abrangendo desde agulhas e seringas utilizadas até amostras de laboratório e restos de comida. As etapas incluem a segregação na fonte, acondicionamento adequado, identificação, armazenamento temporário, coleta interna, transporte interno, armazenamento externo, coleta externa, destinação final ambientalmente adequada e registro detalhado, além da deficiência de capacitação de alguns profissionais. Conclui-se que a correta execução dessas etapas assegura o manuseio seguro e a disposição final apropriada dos resíduos. Assim, enfrentar esse desafio demanda ações coordenadas, conscientização e investimento, contribuindo para um manejo sustentável dos resíduos de saúde. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT In healthcare services, a variety of waste is generated daily, and its control, In healthcare services, a variety of waste is generated daily, and its control, management and final disposal are of fundamental importance for maintaining the management and final disposal are of fundamental importance for maintaining the quality of services, the lives of professionals and patients, as well as the environment. quality of services, the lives of professionals and patients, as well as the environment. In PriIn Primary Care, the nurse and her multidisciplinary team must have knowledge about mary Care, the nurse and her multidisciplinary team must have knowledge about the management of this waste. Thus, the general objective: Describe how waste the management of this waste. Thus, the general objective: Describe how waste management occurs in Basic Health Units in municipalities in Recôncavo da Bahia. management occurs in Basic Health Units in municipalities in Recôncavo da Bahia. And, as specific obAnd, as specific objectives: verify nurses' understanding of waste management in jectives: verify nurses' understanding of waste management in Basic Health Units; list the types of waste generated by health professionals in Basic Health Units; list the types of waste generated by health professionals in accordance with the classification of Brazilian legislation and identify the stages of accordance with the classification of Brazilian legislation and identify the stages of waste management, from genwaste management, from generation to final destination, existing in Basic Health Units. eration to final destination, existing in Basic Health Units. The methodology is characterized by a descriptive research of qualitative approach, The methodology is characterized by a descriptive research of qualitative approach, which was developed in Basic Health Units in three Municipalities in Recôncavo da which was developed in Basic Health Units in three Municipalities in Recôncavo da Bahia and 29 nurses participBahia and 29 nurses participated in the study. A questionnaire and a checklist for ated in the study. A questionnaire and a checklist for observation were used as a collection instrument. As a technique for analyzing observation were used as a collection instrument. As a technique for analyzing qualitative data, Minayo's content analysis was used.qualitative data, Minayo's content analysis was used. The study was approved by the The study was approved by the research ethics committee under number 6,422,480. research ethics committee under number 6,422,480. Regarding the research results, Regarding the research results, it is noted that the majority of nurses presented efficient knowledge about solid waste it is noted that the majority of nurses presented efficient knowledge about solid waste management, emphasizing the importance of following standards from planning to management, emphasizing the importance of following standards from planning to disposal of waste generated in health services. health, hdisposal of waste generated in health services. health, highlighting the safety of the ighlighting the safety of the process, including the protection of workers and concern with minimizing associated process, including the protection of workers and concern with minimizing associated risks. Furthermore, professionals from the municipalities studrisks. Furthermore, professionals from the municipalities studied highlighted different ied highlighted different categories of waste generated in UBS, each with specific types and classifications, categories of waste generated in UBS, each with specific types and classifications, ranging from used needles and syringes to laboratory samples and food waste. The ranging from used needles and syringes to laboratory samples and food waste. The steps include segregation at source, adequate packaging, identifisteps include segregation at source, adequate packaging, identification, temporary cation, temporary storage, internal collection, internal transport, external storage, external collection, storage, internal collection, internal transport, external storage, external collection, environmentally appropriate final destination and detailed registration, in addition to environmentally appropriate final destination and detailed registration, in addition to the lack of training of some professionals. It is concluded tthe lack of training of some professionals. It is concluded that the correct execution of hat the correct execution of these steps ensures safe handling and appropriate final disposal of waste. Therefore, these steps ensures safe handling and appropriate final disposal of waste. Therefore, facing this challenge requires coordinated actions, awareness and investment, facing this challenge requires coordinated actions, awareness and investment, contributing to sustainable management of healthcare waste.contributing to sustainable management of healthcare waste.pt_BR
dc.publisherCentro Universitário Maria Milzapt_BR
dc.subjectResíduos de Serviços da Saúdept_BR
dc.subjectUnidade Básica de Saúdept_BR
dc.subjectGerenciamento de Resíduospt_BR
dc.titleGerenciamento de resíduos em unidades básicas de saúde de municípios do recôncavo da Bahiapt_BR
dc.contributor.refereeSabiny Pedreira Ribeiropt_BR
dc.contributor.refereeSilvana Mara de Andrade Costapt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:UNIMAM - Trabalho de conclusão de curso

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